Posts by category
- The 2025 list of Countries for review by the CRPD Committee
- Leaving No One Behind in Montenegro
- Creating collaboration through the Clinical Patient Management System
- The Coalition in Support of the WHA Rare Diseases Resolution
- Election Time!
- Service Clubs in Action for Spina bifida
- Obituary Notice - Björn RĂŒndström
- New peadiatric urological guidelines for children and adolescents with Spina Bifida
- IF Webinar: 'Prevention of Neural Tube Defects: Leaving No One Behind'
- Universal Health Coverage Day 2025
- Mental Health in Focus: A Call for ActionÂ
- Call for tenders: Web developers for IF website (Deadline: 15 December 2024)
- Successful 1st Euregional Youth Meeting organized by IF & Zonnebloem JONG
- Award of Excellence at the 30th International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- The Kuala Lumpur Declaration of the 30th International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- Bridging Gaps Together on World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day
- 30th International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- The 30th International Conference Programme Book
- International Youth Day 2024: Mental Health Matters!
- The UN Committee Evaluation of Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands and Ukraine
- Legal capacity: Personal choice and control
- How to include organisations of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action?
- Paralympics 2024
- Join the international UN Day of Charity!
- Get ready for the International Youth Day 2024
- IF Job Opportunities
- The 17th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD
- One Year after the Adoption of the WHA76.19 Resolution
- WHA77 Side Event Congenital Anomalies and Universal Health: Leaving No One Behind
- IF meets WHO champions at the WHA77
- Meet & Greet: Youth & Ageing with SBH
- How is your association involved in the implementation of SDGs?
- Youth around the globe calls for disability-inclusive development!Â
- Donate Now - Youth calls for your support!
- New IF Statement on Technologies and Accessibility in Education
- In the Spotlight: Meet Cato & Jesper
- IF joined the #ZeroCon24
- 2024 kicks off with the World Folic Acid Awareness Week Webinar
- IF Statement on Strengthening Rehabilitation in Health Systems for persons with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- IF Statement on Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis
- IF joins the 49th ICBDSR Annual Meeting
- World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2023 Conference: Accessibility for All!
- Youth Engagement during the SDG Summit 2023 at the UN in New York
- Proposal for Directive on European Disability Card has been Approved!
- IF Newsletter is out now
- WHA76.19 Resolution
- Celebrating the WHA76 Resolution For Safe And Effective Food Fortification
- WHA76 Side Event - Accelerating Efforts for Preventing Micronutrient Deficiencies and their Consequences through Safe and Effective Food Fortification
- Youth Celebrates the Independent Living Day 2023
- IF's Webinar on Women and Disabilities in Conflict and Crisis : A Reflection
- Fortifying our Future: Coming together to support the World Health Assembly Resolution on Food Fortification: Key Takeaways
- WHA Draft Resolution on Safe and Effective Food Fortification
- IF Report 'Ageing With Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus: An Overview of Best Practices Around the World'
- IF Webinar 'Preventing Birth Defects and Saving Lives: Folic Acid-Preventable Spina Bifida, Anencephaly'
- Call to Action for a WHO Resolution on Prioritising Mandatory Food Fortification with Folic Acid
- World Folic Acid Awareness Week 2023
- Raise awareness on the International Days for Persons with Disabilities!
- World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day: Elevate Your Voice!
- Join the World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2022
- Get ready to elevate your voice on World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2022
- IF Statement: A call for a global action to reduce the prevalence of Neural Tube Defects worldwide
- IF Webinar Learning from Experience: Strategic Advocacy for Primary Prevention
- CRPD Consultation on the draft guidelines for deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies
- WHO World Mental Health Report: Transforming Mental Health for All
- IF Annual Report 2021 is now available!
- WHA75 Side-event â Folic Acid Fortification to Prevent Spina Bifidaâ
- Press Release: An urgent call to action published in The Lancet Global Health
- A WHA Resolution: Folic Acid Fortification to Prevent Spina Bifida
- CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - 29th International Conference on Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus "Diverse Needs, Same Rights"
- Celebrate the International Women's Day on March 8th 2022!
- Get ready for the World Birth Defects Day 2022!
- The World Folic Acid Awareness and Turning Points Webinar was a Success!
- IF Statement on Mental, Physical and Sexual Health for Youth with SBH
- IF Report "Ageing with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - Finding from Online Focus Group Discussions"
- IF Report âMental Health Implications of COVID-19 on Youth with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus- an explorative survey conducted by the IF International Youth Group with SBHâ
- IF Human Rights and Advocacy Training for Youth with SBH - Accessibility in Focus
- âAgeing Well with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalusâ
- World Folic Acid Awareness Week 2022
- E-collaboration between the IF International Youth Group and EDF Youth Committee to celebrate the European Day of Persons with Disabilities
- The International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021
- The European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021
- IF Statement on Multidisciplinary Care
- âDigital Escape Room - Unlock Your Rightsâ
- The World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus 2021 Conference
- âFrom Traditional to Digital â Unlock Your Digital Communicationâ
- The World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day Main Event
- IF statement on EU reporting to CRPD
- WSBHD21 side event âDigital Escape Room - Unlock Your Rightsâ
- WSBHD21 side-event âAgeing well with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalusâ
- WSBHD21 side-event âFrom Traditional to Digital - Unlock Your Digital Communicationâ
- World Mental Health Day - October 10th
- IF International Day of Older Persons
- World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2021
- Call for action! IF together with partners endorses the Call to Action to Protect the Right to Family Life and Prevent Institutionalisation for All Children
- Cato Lie Elected President of the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- Obituary Notice
- IF General Meeting 2021
- CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - IF Multidisciplinary Care Conference
- IF urges effective implementation of the European Union Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- First IF International Youth Group â Apply now!
- World Folic Acid Awareness Week 2021 was a success!
- Smarter Futures, an African way to promote food fortification to help prevent Neural Tube Defects.
- 2021 WORLD FOLIC ACID AWARENESS WEEK 9th - 15th January!
- IF congratulates the new UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Professor Gerard Quinn and the new members of the CRPD Committee
- Reflections on the IF event on disability rights and sexual health
- IF position paper on the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union.
- "IMAGINE, CREATE AND LIVE YOUR RIGHT!" Photo contest on human rights
- The Roadmap for the European Disability Rights Strategy 2021-2030 has been published.
- World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2020
- The Right to Health in the UNCRPD
- IF calls for equal treatment in employment for persons with disabilities in the EU
- Launch IF Report on Ageing with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- Getting ready for WSBHD20
- Survey closed - COVID-19: Impact on people with SBH
- SBH youth community takes part in the International Youth Day
- 'Chat with IF': last session of our online EU workshop
- IF Annual Report 2019 is now available
- Ageing with SBH: key topic during the IF EU online workshop
- First online IF European workshop
- Welcome to Dr. Sylvia Roozen: new IF Secretary General
- Joint response to the UN Policy Brief
- UN policy brief for a disability-inclusive response to COVID-19
- New advocacy tools to promote the implementation of folic acid interventions
- Welcome to Veronica, IF's new Administration Officer!
- UN Special Rapporteur warns against ableism in medical and scientific practice
- IF is looking for a European Policy Officer
- Mourning the sudden loss of Irish disability advocate Frank Larkin
- COVID-19: testimonies from the SBH community
- How is the COVID-19 affecting the SBH community?
- International Women's Day 2020
- World Birth Defects Day 2020
- IF Membership Guide 2021
- Joint food fortification project among top 100 proposals for MacArthur $100M Grant
- We are recruiting an Administration Officer
- Looking for a new Secretary General at IF
- IF recommendations to the new European Commission 2019-2024
- Launch of the European Semester 2020: what about persons with disabilities?
- Towards a new European Disability Strategy for 2020 - 2030
- Discussion on the next EU Disability Strategy at the European Parliament
- UN Human Rights Day: IF launches sexuality project resources
- IF calls on the EPSCO Council: a swift transposition of the Work-Life Balance Directive is needed!
- IF participation at the EDPD event in Brussels
- European Days of Persons with Disabilities 2019: launch of SkixAll guidelines
- World Toilet Day: experiences from the spina bifida community
- Share your opinion on the European Disability Strategy today
- Report IF EU Workshop in Ghent
- New members and Board members at IF
- WSBHD 2019 #TheFullPicture campaign
- Report on IF & ASBI International Youth Conference on Sexuality
- IF responds to UN Special Rapporteur questionnaire on bioethics and disability
- We call on the European Commission to move Disability Unit to the Secretariat-General
- IF analysis on the new European Commission
- IF joins EDF statement on passengers' rights
- Youth conference on sexuality coming soon!
- 2019 World Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Day: 'The Full Picture' campaign
- IF survey on ageing available in 12 languages!
- IF represented at the EPF STYPA!
- UK consultation on proposal to introduce mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid
- Joint statement on the Right to Family of children without parental care
- IF joins Global WHO Birth Defects Technical Working Group
- IF presents its Annual Report 2018
- Applications now open for IF's 4th "My Rights" Youth Training
- IF Survey: What does ageing with SBH mean to you?
- IF advocates for birth registration at 12th COSP
- Work-Life Balance Directive adopted by the Council of the European Union
- Open Letter on the violation of the rights of young people with disabilities in institutional care
- Universal Health Coverage: Including Rare Diseases to leave no one behind
- IF response to UN Special Rapporteur: key role of medical education
- Folic acid, human rights and sexuality among the topics at IF EU workshop in Belgrade
- IF Secretary General re-elected in EURORDIS Board of Directors
- 'Ski For All' guidelines for inclusion and independence
- Welcome to Athina, IF's new European Policy Officer!
- IF submission on the rights of older persons with disabilities
- Former Norwegian Minister and disability advocate Guro Fjellanger has passed away
- 'SKI for ALL' project by ASBI
- World Health Day 2019: we need Universal Health Coverage!
- âThey Give Him a Chanceâ: a new study on inclusive primary education in Uganda
- EU Parliament approves the European Accessibility Act
- Elena designated Director of the National Observatory of Disability
- Folic acid distribution in schools in Uganda
- Open Letter to the EPSCO Council
- European Elections 2019: why it is important to vote
- #ShowYourRare for Rare Disease Day 2019!
- IF Secretary General advocates for rare diseases at UN
- World Birth Defects Day 2019 Toolkit
- IF, HKI, and FFI renew the Smarter Futures partnership with Nouryon
- IF Prevention Consultancy Clinic
- Survey on pregnancy outcomes in women with spina bifida
- Ege Anli presents on advocacy and independent living
- Sexuality and disability should not be a taboo
- WFAAW Call to action!
- IF at the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018
- Webinar on nutrition, birth defects, food fortification and advocacy
- IF workshop in Madrid
- Accessible toilets are a human right
- "Saving Kidneys" training in Ukraine
- Family Care for Children with Disabilities
- Open letter on the EU Work-life balance Directive
- In Memoriam: Thomas (Tom) Edmund Baroch, disability advocate
- Mirela Bukovac at the Eurochild Conference 2018
- The IF Global Prevention Initiative celebrates 2nd anniversary
- Guidelines for the care of people with spina bifida
- Raising the voices of people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus
- Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
- Final report on 'My Rights' training
- IF expert Steven Schiff wins award for research on preventing infections
- World Mental Health Day
- "My Rights" training in Lisbon
- We need a strong European Accessibility Act
- WSBHD18 social media toolkit
- Women's Health Wednesday
- IF's Bulgarian member at the CRPD Committee members
- Rebecca Alitsi, former IF fellow, co-facilitator at IDAâs workshop
- IF Award at the 28th International Conference on SBH in India!
- SBH Ireland launches The Fight of Our Lives film
- Update for WSBHD18
- IF's Annual Report 2017 is out now!
- UK hosts first ever Global Disability Summit
- IFâs statement at the 11th Conference of States Parties to the CRPD
- First woman with a disability elected for the UN CEDAW Committee
- Continence management high on the agenda at IF European Workshop in Bulgaria
- BethanyKidsâ Mobile Clinic in Kenya helps thousands of children with disabilities
- Training in Uganda on the CRPD and SDGs for persons with disabilities
- Register now for the 28th International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus!
- Comic book features young woman with Spina Bifida
- Folate status in women and neural tube defect risk reduction
- IF expresses concerns in response to UNICEF Report: âEvery Child ALIVEâ
- IF response to the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- IF joined the kick-off meeting of the SkiXAll camp
- Brain Awareness Week 2018
- International Women's Day: work-life balance for all!
- March 3 marks World Birth Defects Day 2018
- Are the SDGs implemented in your country? Contribute to Voluntary National Reviews!
- Countdown towards World Birth Defects Day!
- Join us for the IF 28th International Conference in New Delhi, India
- Work-life balance: end inequalities for families of people with spina bifida or hydrocephalus!
- IF ERN session: How can your association work with healthcare providers?
- IF application for 2018-2021 EU grant approved!
- Smarter Futures: food fortification to address malnutrition
- Comparing endoscopic treatment and shunting for infant Hydrocephalus in Uganda
- Join the IFGPI for 2018 World Folic Acid Awareness Week!
- Happy New Year
- 10.000 surgeries since 2011!
- Universal Health Coverage Day - leave no one behind!
- Joint statement on Work-Life-Balance Directive
- Towards mainstreaming disability in the EU
- IF European Workshop in Stockholm
- Workshop on a multidisciplinary health system in Zagreb
- African Workshop in Mombasa
- ICBD2017 highlights the importance of parents-patients organisations
- 15 years Food Fortification Initiative
- Spina bifida, human rights, and assistive technology
- IF Global Prevention Initiative's 1st anniversary!
- World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2017
- Join IFâs WSBHD Thunderclap Campaign!
- World Mental Health Day 2017
- Toolkit for World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2017
- Expanding the LATAM Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus network into Ecuador
- Training for youth with disabilities on independent living skills, human rights and advocacy
- Two former IF Presidents reflect on the start of IF
- How to write project proposals and focus on mental health at IF EU workshop
- Accessibility Act Demonstration
- UN CRPD Advocacy Training Course for young people
- What's our next Turning Point? The Global Prevention Initiative!
- European IF members priorities: Independent living, right to life and ageing with spina bifida
- Co-organised Equality 2015 conference: improving care and prevention for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- European IF members discuss right to health and cross-border networking between associations
- From the new LATAM network for spina bifida and hydrocephalus: Genetic factors and social inclusion are fundamental worldwide!
- IF's 24th International Congress 2013: Unite & Share
- IF Workshop âAdults, and now?â
- IF Annual Conference 2012: Finding Our Way
- New peadiatric urological guidelines for children and adolescents with Spina Bifida
- IF Statement Mental Health in Focus
- Kuala Lumpur Declaration
- The 30th International Conference Programme Book
- IF Annual Report 2023
- IF Membership Guide 2024
- IF Statement on Conflict and Humanitarian crisis
- IF Statement on Strengthening Rehabilitation in Health Systems for persons with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- IF Annual Report 2022
- IF Toolkit - Steps for an Advocacy Campaign
- IF Statement: A call for a global action to reduce the prevalence of Neural Tube Defects Worldwide
- IF Annual Report 2021
- IF Membership Guide 2022
- Smarter Futures: 15 years of impact
- IF Statement on Mental, Physical and Sexual Health for Youth with SBH
- IF Report on Ageing with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - Findings from Online Focus Group Discussions
- IF Report: Mental Health Implications of COVID-19 on Youth with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - An explorative survey conducted by the IF International Youth Group with SBH
- IF Statement on Ageing with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- IF Statement on Multidisciplinary Care for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- IF Information Package on the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- IF Statement on EU reporting to CRPD
- IF Information Package on the UNCRPD and the Reporting Cycle
- IF Multidisciplinary Care Conference Programme Book 2021
- IF Information Package on the European Union
- IF Statement on COVID-19
- IF Annual Report 2020
- Press Release IF urges effective implementation of the new European Union Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- IF's Statement on the European Union Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Lâinvecchiamento con Spina Bifida e Idrocefalo
- IF position paper on the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework and its implementation
- IF Report âAgeing with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus â A descriptive analysisâ
- IF Annual Report 2019
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | BE
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | NL
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | FR
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | TR
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | IT
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | ES
- IF Annual Report 2018
- IFGPI Folic Acid Leaflet | 2020 | EN
- Fetal surgery for spina bifida | Dewan | 2019
- Ethical Dilemmas in Postnatal Treatment of Severe Congenital Hydrocephalus | Wilkinson | 2016
- Potential benefits of the cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance approach in young adults with spina bifida or cerebral palsy: a feasibility study | Dahlstrand | 2018
- IF Statement on Multidisciplinary Care (version 2018)
- Tell the truth about spina bifida | Bruner | 2004
- Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects | SOGC | 2014
- Maternal-fetal surgery for myelomeningocele | ACOG Committee Opinion | 2017
- Fetal Surgery for Myelomeningocele: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Outcomes in Fetoscopic versus Open Repair | Kabagambe | 2017
- Fetal Myelomeningocele Closure: Technical Considerations | Heuer | 2014
- Bladder Function After Fetal Surgery for Myelomeningocele | Brock | 2015
- In utero Repair of Myelomeningocele: Rationale, Initial Clinical Experience and a Randomized Controlled Prospective Clinical Trial | Danzer | 2008
- Fetoscopic versus Open Repair for Spina Bifida Aperta: A Systematic Review of Outcomes | Joyeux | 2015
- Fetal surgery for myelomeningocele: patient selection, perioperative management and outcomes | Danzer | 2011
- Fetal surgery for myelomeningocele: progress and perspectives | Danzer | 2012
- Fetal myelomeningocele: natural history, pathophysiology, and in-utero intervention | Adzick | 2010
- Fetoscopy for meningomyelocele repair: past, present and future | Bevilacqua | 2015
- Fetoscopic repair of spina bifida_safer and better | Pedreira | 2016
- Fetal surgery for myelomeningocele: Trials and Tribulations | Adzick | 2012
- Fetal spina bifida: Loss of neural function in utero | Stiefel | 2013
- Fetal myelomeningocele repair_where are we and where can we go | Araujo JĂșnior | 2015
- Fetal endoscopic myelomeningocele closure preserves segmental neurological function | Verbeek | 2012
- A randomized trial of prenatal versus postnatal repair of myelomeningocele | Adzick | 2011
- Wound care challenges in children and adults with spina bifida: An open-cohort study | Ottolini | 2013
- Upper limb motor function in young adults with spina bifida and hydrocephalus | Dennis | 2009
- Treatment of the neurogenic bladder in spina bifida | De Jong | 2008
- Transition into adult healthcare services in Scotland: findings from a study concerning service users at the Scottish Spina Bifida Association | Levy | 2014
- Testing the feasability of a national spina bifida patient registry | Thibadeau | 2012
- Spina bifida and sexuality | Linstow | 2014
- Sociodemographic Attributes and Spina Bifida Outcomes | Schechter | 2015
- Snapshot of the adult spina bifida patient_high incidence urologic procedures | Liu | 2016
- Sexual health in adult men with spina bifida | Bong | 2007
- Self-concept in children with spina bifida compared with typically developing children | Shields | 2008
- Reproductive health care for women with spina bifida | Jackson | 2007
- Reflections on Health of Young Adults with Spina Bifida: The Contradictory Path towards Well-Being in Daily Life | Gabrielsson | 2015
- Psychosocial and family functioning in spina bifida | Holmbeck | 2010
- Perceived health in young adults with spina bifida | Verhoef | 2007
- Parental stress and support of parents of children with spina bifida in Uganda | Bannink | 2016
- Ophthalmic complications of spina bifida and hydrocephalus | Gaston | 1991
- Longterm oculomotor and visual function in spina bifida cystica: a population-based study | Caines | 2007
- Life satisfaction of young adults with spina_bifida | Barf | 2007
- Introduction: Spina Bifida - A Multidisciplinary Perspective | Fletcher | 2010
- Hospitalizations of Adults With Spina Bifida and Congenital Spinal Cord Anomalies | Dicianno | 2010
- Health risk behaviors in spina bifida: the need for clinical and policy action | Sawin | 2012
- Global surgery for pediatric hydrocephalus in the developing world | Muir | 2016
- Functional independence among young adults with spina bifida in relation to hydrocephalus and level of lesion | Verhoef | 2006
- Factors associated with the timeliness of postnatal surgical repair of spina bifida | Radcliff | 2016
- Factors associated with strabismus in Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele | Anderson | 2012
- Factors associated with mobility outcomes in a National Spina Bifida Patient Registry | Dicianno | 2015
- Endoscopic treatment versus shunting for infant Hydrocephalus in Uganda | Kulkarni | 2017
- Cost-effectiveness of folic acid fortification program in Chile | Llanos | 2007
- Complicatons with shunts in adults with spina bifida | Tomlinson | 1995
- Assessing health-related quality of life in children with spina bifida | Rocque | 2015
- Anomalous development of brain structure and function in spina bifida myelomeningocele | Juranek | 2010
- An approach to the developmental and cognitive profile of the child with spina bifida | Ramsundhar | 2014
- Adults with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus | Morgan | 1995
- Effects of reading goals on reading comprehension, reading rate, and allocation of working memory in children and adolescents with spina bifida meningomyelocele | English | 2010
- Design of Mobile Health Tools to Promote Goal Achievement in Self-Management Tasks | Dicianno | 2017
- Transition to Adulthood in Spina Bifida: Changing Roles and Expectations | Mukherjee | 2007
- A cost-of-illness study of spina bifida in Italy | Colombo | 2013
- Spina Bifida | Copp | Author manuscript | 2016
- WHO Surgical Safety Checklist | 2009
- Early Stimulation Activities | 2009
- Child Development Chart | 2009
- Promoting the Development of Children with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus | WHO | 1996
- Operation theater protocol for surgeons
- Testing shunt valves | Protocol for surgeons
- Strategy for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus | Protocol for surgeons
- Hydrocephalus Guidelines for District Hospitals
- Guidelines for the Management of Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida in District Hospitals
- Spina bifida and hydrocephalus management protocol for surgeons in developing countries
- Head circumference charts | Girls birth-5 years
- Head circumference charts | Girls birth-13 weeks
- Head circumference charts | Boys birth-5 years
- Head circumference charts | Boys birth-13 weeks
- HOW TO DISSOLVE AND HANDLE OXYBUTYNIN | Training manual for nurses (Spanish)
- HOW TO DISSOLVE AND HANDLE OXYBUTYNIN | Training manual for nurses (French)
- HOW TO DISSOLVE AND HANDLE OXYBUTYNIN | Training manual for nurses
- NEUROGENIC BOWEL MANAGEMENT | Training manual for nurses
- CLEANING and STORING CATHETERS, CONES and SYRINGES | Guidelines for nurses (Spanish)
- CLEANING and STORING CATHETERS, CONES and SYRINGES | Guidelines for nurses (French)
- CLEANING and STORING CATHETERS, CONES and SYRINGES | Guidelines for nurses
- Continence Materials Guidelines
- Spina Bifida CIC booklet (French)
- Measuring bladder pressure | Training manual for nurses (Spanish)
- Measuring bladder pressure | Training manual for nurses (French)
- Measuring bladder pressure | Training manual for nurses
- Clean Intermittent Catheterization | Training manual for nurses (Spanish)
- Clean Intermittent Catheterization | Training manual for nurses (French)
- Clean Intermittent Catheterization | Training manual for nurses
- Africa Maize Fortification Strategy 2017-2026
- SHIP Framework Parent Support Group
- SHIP Framework CBR
- SHIP Framework Hospital
- SHIP Passport Boys
- SHIP Passport Girls
- SHIP General Presentation | 2012
- IF Annual Report 2017
- IF Strategy 2015-2017
- IF submission on the right to health of persons with disabilities | 2018
- IF reaction to the European Commission's proposal for the Accessibility Act | 2017
- IF Annual Report 2016
- IF Reflection Paper on mental health | 2017
- IF report Impact of cross-border healthcare on persons with disabilities and chronic conditions | 2016
- IF report Right to health: Reality of persons with spina bifida and hydrocephalus | 2016
- IF response to consultation on provision of support to persons with disabilities | 2016
- IF Annual Report 2015
- IF Glossary of Acronyms and Terms | 2016
- What young people with spina bifida want to know about sex, and arenât being told | Akre | 2015
- IF Annual Report 2014
- IF submission to the CRC Committee on the rights of adolescents (Spanish version) | 2015
- IF submission to the CRC Committee on the rights of adolescents | 2015
- Quality of life related to urinary continence in adult spina bifida patients | Liu | 2015
- Prevention of spina bifida: folic acid intake during pregnancy in Gulu district, northern Uganda | Bannink | 2015
- Guide for Youth with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in Africa | 2014
- IF Annual Report 2013
- IF Toolkit | Part 3 | ABC of Communications | 2014
- IF Toolkit | Part 2 | ABC of Advocacy | 2014
- IF Toolkit | Part 1 | ABC of Equality | 2014
- FORTIMAS: An Approach for Tracking the Population Coverage and Impact of a Flour Fortification Program | 2014
- Disability and Healthcare Checklist | 2013
- Fortify Grains to Prevent Neural Tube Defects in Africa | 2013
- Experiences of children living with spina bifida and their parents in Uganda | 2013
- IF Survey Report Active and Healthy EU Citizens | 2013
- IF Annual Report 2012
- The Role of Folate and Flour Fortification to Reduce the Risk of NTD-affected Pregnancies in Europe: An Advocacy Summary | 2013
- Europe Flour Fortification Advocacy Brief | 2013
- Transitioning adolescents and young adults with a chronic health condition to adult healthcare | Rauen | 2013
- A Review of the Social, Psychological, and Economic Burdens Experienced by People with Spina Bifida and Their Caregivers | Rofail | 2013
- IF Photo Catalogue "Unfold" World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day 2012
- IF Position Paper on Healthy Ageing (Spanish version) | 2012
- IF Position Paper on Healthy Ageing | 2012
- The Impact of Spina Bifida on Caregivers | Rofail | 2012
- Spina Bifida CIC booklet | 2012
- IF Annual Report 2011
- Adult outcome of pediatric hydrocephalus | Vinchon | 2012
- Act against Europe's most common birth defects: One year on | 2011
- Inclusive education | Welcome to school (Swahili) | 2011
- IF Annual Report 2010
- IF Booklet This is a small story about life and death | 2010
- Inclusive education | Welcome to school | 2010
- SBH Leaflet for teachers and school principals | 2010
- IF Annual Report 2009
- The cognitive phenotype of spina bifida meningomyelocele | Dennis | 2010
- Act against Europe's most common birth defects: The right advice at the right time can reduce Neural Tube Defects now | 2010
- IF Position Paper on the Groningen Protocol | 2009
- Correlates of depressive and anxiety symptoms in young adults with spina bifida | Bellin | 2010
- IF Annual Report 2008
- IF Annual Report 2007
- Economic evaluation of folic acid food fortification in The Netherlands | Jentink | 2008
- IF Annual Report 2006
- Secondary impairments in young adults with spina bifida | Verhoef | 2007
- Cognitive status of young adults with spina bifida | Barf | 2007
- IF Annual Report 2005
- IF Resolution on the Right to Live | 2006
- IF Policy Statement on Prenatal Diagnosis and the Right to be Different | 2005
- IF Policy Statement on Prevention of Neural Tube Defects and Mandatory Food Fortification | 2005
- IF Annual Report 2004
- IF Annual Report 2003
- Disability and quality of life in spina bifida and hydrocephalus | Pit-Ten Cate | 2007
- Depressive Symptoms and Self-Concept in Young People with Spina Bifida | Appleton | 1997
Our Work