Youth conference on sexuality coming soon!

30 August 2019 // After one year of intense work on the issues of sexuality and body awareness, the IF Youth Group, with support from IF and its Italian member organisation ASBI, has organised an international event on those important topics!
This conference is intended to be a safe space for young people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus (SBH) to discuss their concerns, ideas, questions and motivation. This will be an occasion for doctors and young people to come together and get a holistic approach to sensitive issues such as fertility, relationships or parenthood, among other topics.
The event will take place on 5-6 October in Varese (Italy) and all European young people with SBH are welcomed to join. You can find an information sheet here.
Check the full programme and fill in the registration form if you are willing to participate.
Deadline for registration is September 21st
If you are a European young person with SBH from 18 to 30 years old and you want to get information about possible funding to cover your costs, please contact IF Communication Coordinator Carmen Clemente at [email protected]
Please keep in mind that the places are limited and that selected candidates will be interviewed.