The International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) is fortunate to work with her passionate and dedicated members and partners around the world focussing at improving the lives of individuals with Spina Bifida and or Hydrocephalus (SBH) and their families. Given the needs of our SBH community, optimization of limited resources is very important.
Here, in this annual report 2023, the actions achieved for human rights, primary prevention, optimising management and care, raising awareness, as well as international solidarity are highlighted.
Last year was a successful one; and together with you, we celebrated a number of joint achievements, especially with respect to significant milestones, including the triumphant recognition of the WHA76 Resolutions on Food Fortification & Rehabilitation. The release of our comprehensive Annual Report 2022 showcased our colourful activities throughout the year. Remarkable high-level moments, such as impactful speeches and side events during the UN COSP16 and the UN SDG Summit, underscored our global influence. Equipping members with essential skills, the training on ‘Understanding Fundraising to influence Policy and Actions’ empowered advocates to advance the rights of persons with SBH. Engaging our community through informative webinars on international awareness-raising days like WFAAW23 demonstrate our commitment to education and advocacy.
The publication of policy statements, including our positions on Rehabilitation and Humanitarian Conflict & Crisis, solidified our stance on critical issues. Strengthening global ties, the twinning between the EU and Ukraine further expanded our collaborative network. Lastly, our passionate advocacy for ‘Accessibility for All’ resonated during the World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day Conference, Side Events, and Contest Winners, affirming our dedication to inclusivity and empowerment.
Seeing what we can accomplish as the SBH community is inspiring!
IF is extremely grateful for the continued support and active involvement of members and partners. We would like to sincerely thank all our members and partners and all the others who has supported IF, including the chairs and standing committee members as well as our volunteers.
Looking back at the many opportunities and activities from the previous year, we look forward to making 2024 an active year together with you! Hopefully we see each other soon at the 30th International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in Malaysia!
Visit: https://sbhconference2024.com/Â
Download the IF Annual Report 2023 here