First online IF European workshop

During the month of June, IF and its European members are meeting online for the IF EUÂ Workshop, taking place online for the first time!
Instead of the usual 2 full days of physical meeting, IF has organised different webinars along the month of June. The first one took place on June 9, in which IF staff and IF’s EU members shard updates and information about their projects. Some IF’s members made a presentation about their activities and how COVID-19 has impacted their plans.
The second webinar took place on June 16 and it was about women’s health, NTD prevention and COVID-19. This session was opened to external audience and we were happy to count with speakers from WHO, EUROCAT and the nutrition’s sector. You can watch the webinar here.
The third webinar will take place on June 30 and it will be focused on ‘Ageing with spina bifida and hydrocephalus’. The session will be lead by the IF Working Group on Ageing, which will present the result of the survey launched in 2019. Stay tuned!