IF Report “Mental Health Implications of COVID-19 on Youth with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus- an explorative survey conducted by the IF International Youth Group with SBH”

IF launches the report “Mental Health Implications of COVID-19 on Youth with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus- an explorative survey conducted by the IF International Youth Group with SBH” . The report underlines the current perceptions and lived experiences among youth with SBH with respect to aspects of mental health. This document builds upon an explorative study conducted in 2019 by the IF International Youth Group with SBH.
To have better insight in the aspects related to mental health among young people living with SBH and in order to provide better support, the IF International Youth Group with SBH initiated a survey to assess mental health implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth with SBH. The results are presented through this report.
The results from this study reflect the importance of several mental health related topics, including the role of friendships, sports and exercises, body confidence and self-esteem, and physical health. Some major implications in times of a pandemic related to mental health related challenges included: social isolation, having good friends and being able to talk to family members, being able to be physically active, having access to healthcare professionals, rely on peer support, and strengthen one’s self-esteem and confidence.
By sharing the experiences of youth with SBH with regard to mental health and all the factors that influence it, IF aims to raise awareness at international level on the matter of mental health among youth with these lifelong disabilities.
The report includes a set of recommendations to provide a better understanding of the consequences of this pandemic both in the context of pre-existing barriers and the need for targeted actions in order to minimize the long-term impact of an emergency.
Download the “Mental Health Implications of COVID-19 on Youth with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus” report, an explorative survey conducted by the International Youth Group with SBH.
Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme of the European Union