The Roadmap for the European Disability Rights Strategy 2021-2030 has been published.

The European Commission has various processes to allow citizens and stakeholders to comment on policies and laws as they are being developed. One of the ways in which the European Commission does this is by publishing a ‘roadmap’ which outlines the main priorities expected to be incorporated into the final version of the document. Anyone with an EU login (which can be easily created by any citizen here) can then comment on published initiatives within the timeframe set by the Commission. This feedback can be given anonymously, as a citizen or as a representative of an organisation.
The roadmap for the European Disability Rights Strategy 2021-2030 has been published and can be found here. The deadline to respond is 12th of November (midnight, Brussels time).
IF welcomes the roadmap, in particular the acknowledgement within it that health is an important topic for persons with disabilities in Europe. It is especially important to see the issue of ‘equal access to healthcare’ being addressed as it reflects IF’s position to raise awareness of health, disability and SBH in context of Art 25 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Which emphasises not only the access to disability-specific healthcare and services, but also the principle that persons with disabilities must have equal access to healthcare on the same basis as their peers. This is an important element of multidisciplinary care for SBH.
IF will contribute to the consultation on the roadmap for the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030 and urges its European members to do the same. Just log on to your EU login or create one if you haven’t already and provide your feedback here, before the 12th of November. Having a strong voice from the SBH community is essential to ensure that the concerns of individuals with SBH are addressed in the strategy. IF also continues to participate in stakeholder consultations on the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030 organised by the European Commission.
This is important because the European Disability Rights Strategy will set the priorities and ambitions of the European Union and its Member States for action on disability policies from 2021 to 2030. The strategy will play an important role in implementing the UNCRPD and to improve the lives of persons with SBH in Europe and beyond.
The European Disability Rights Strategy has a global relevance as well as a European one. The strategy is expected to address the mainstreaming of the CRPD into all EU policies and actions, this includes external actions. This could include ensuring that no EU funds, whether being used within or outside the EU will be used for projects which violate the UNCRPD. The European Disability Strategy also demonstrates the viability and power of regional collaboration on disability rights and has the potential to set an example for the international community.
If you have any questions or comments then please contact IF European Policy Officer, Hildur Önnudóttir at [email protected]