How to include organisations of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action?

How to include organisations of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action?
Background. The International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) calls for a greater awareness and urgent action towards the needs of persons with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SBH) in time of conflict and humanitarian crisis.
Ensuring an independent and healthy life for individuals with SBH requires a full realisation of their human rights. It is particularly important to provide us protection, and access to inclusive multidisciplinary care while supporting our families and carers. This can only be achieved through the full implementation and adherence to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities (UNCRPD).
- Watch the video prepared by the European Disability Forum:
- Read the IF Statement on this topic:
- Study the UNPRPD guidance note:
See also below a list of example actions which IF has undertaken in the previous years together with different partners in support of Conflicts and Humanitarian Crisis:
2019: IF Provided input to the UN Security Council resolution:
2020: IF supported the early rehabilitation in conflicts and disasters handbook
2021: IF supported the joint mission to the UN Security Council:
2021: IF provided input in the EDF Toolkit on the inclusion of refugees with disabilities
2022: IF was part of discussions with UN Special Rapporteur on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities during Armed Conflict Resource tool
2022: IF provided input to the EDF video How to include organisations of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action
2022: IF supported the CBM Humanitarian hands-on tool
2023: IF Webinar for women in conflict and crisis
2023: COSP16 IF side event ‘Reaching out together’
2023: Collaboration between EU-Ukraine partners to further strengthening multidisciplinary care (webinar series)
2024: IF provided input for the EDF Resolution on Disability Rights, Peace and Conflict: