Join IF’s WSBHD Thunderclap Campaign!

16 October 2017 // Help spread awareness on World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day! Sign up now for our Thunderclap Campaign to share a post on your Twitter, Facebook and/or Tumblr account on October 25. A one-time message will automatically be posted on your account(s). After the campaign, Thunderclap will not post any additional messages that you have not verified.
This year our action is focused on mental health for people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and their families. Research has shown that the prevalence of mental health problems among persons with disabilities may be higher than among person without disabilities. In addition, professional healthcare services fail to address mental health needs of people living with complex physical disabilities. The gap in accessible healthcare services has lead to increasing stigmatisation of the mental health issue.
Please show your support and help us spread awareness on this day.
Thank you for your contribution!