Ege Anli presents on advocacy and independent living

24 January 2019 // Ege Anli, member of the IF Youth Group, participated in the IF youth training called “My Rights: independent living, activism and participation for young people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus’’ that took place in October 2018. As a follow-up activity, Ege, together with the Turkish Spina Bifida Association (Türkiye Spina Bifida Derneği), created a survey about the need for funding from medical companies for catheters.
The results were presented during one of the regular ‘Solidarity Meetings’ organised by the Turkish association. Ege also had the opportunity to share his ideas about what good advocacy is and how it could be done.
After his presentation, Ege was awarded by the President of the organisation with a gift, symbolizing his effort and commitment in helping and supporting the youth of the spina bifida and hydrocephalus community.
You can find other information (in Turkish) and photos on the Turkish Spina Bifida Association website.