How is the COVID-19 affecting the SBH community?

Taking into account the current emergency situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) which has been defined as ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organisation, IF is reorganising its activities to ensure that persons with spina bifida and hydrocephalus (SBH) are taken into account. Persons with SBH form a group that is disproportionally affected by the current situation so we are already working to advocate at international level for the rights and needs of persons with SBH to be protected and respected.
In order to convey your concerns and issues related to COVID-19, it is essential that IF’s members share with us information regarding their country’s situation. For that reason, IF kindly asks you to share both country information and personal testimonies with us.
How is the situation with regard to medical supplies (e.g. catheters), medication, access to medical care? How are people coping with isolation, especially those who are in institutions and/or depend on day care? Can you still get your groceries, use public transport? What are your concerns?
Please send the country information and testimonies to Carmen Clemente IF Communication Coordinator
You can also find this information in our special newsletter on the coronavirus. Feel free to share and forward!
Check IF’s resources page to find useful links and information