IF Human Rights and Advocacy Training for Youth with SBH – Accessibility in Focus

On November 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th, The International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus gave the “IF Human Rights and Advocacy Training – Accessibility in Focus”
In total, 20 trainees from around the world joined the IF training that was divided into two parts training, that consisted of:Â
- Part 1: Two sessions where introduction to the CRPD principles and accessibility in general was discussed.Â
- Part 2: A session on “accessibility in focus with a connection to the right to health” and a communication training “how to convey the right messages?” that was approached.
During Part 1, Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th of November, the sessions were first an introduction to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the history of the disability rights movement, by IF Trainer AnÄ‘ela Radovanović. And a session that explored the specific elements of the convention and disability rights with a focus on accessibility was given on the second day of part 1 from our IF Trainer from the European Disability Forum (EDF), Mher Hakobyan.Â
During Part 2, Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th of November, a training on accessibility in focus with a connection to Right to Health was given. And finally, the last day of this second part, on Tuesday 16th, a training on communication “How to convey the message?” was given and gave the participants more knowledge about advocacy on social media.
As this year’s training was focused on accessibility, the participants addressed the inaccessibility that they faced in their daily life. The training also contributed to empowering young people with disabilities and preparing the future leaders of the international SBH movement.
Given the success of these online IF training sessions, IF will continue to facilitate training opportunities for youth with SBH also in the upcoming year.Â