Webinar World Folic Acid Awareness and Turning Points
Each year in January IF together with its members and partners celebrate the World Folic Acid Awareness Week. IF is driven by its mission to decrease the birth prevalence of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus through primary prevention measures and to improve the quality of life for those living with these disabilities.
The Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit took place during the beginning of December where commitment-making was at the heart of the Summit. This has already led to several initiatives by partners to raise their voice for healthy pregnancies.
To keep the momentum going in 2022, IF wants to take the opportunity to transform the way the world tackles the global challenge of malnutrition and prevention of Neural Tube Defects. For this occasion, IF organizes the webinar “World Folic Acid Awareness and Turning Points” including speakers from all over the world sharing their perspectives on how we can build a smarter, stronger, and healthier future for all.
You are invited! Join us during the Webinar “World Folic Acid Awareness and Turning Points”
Thursday 6th January ¦ 9AM EST ¦ 3PM CET ¦ 7.30PM IST (check your time zone here). The meeting duration is approximately 1.5 hours.
Register to the WFAAW webinar now!
3.00 – 3.10PM | Words of Welcome Cato Lie (IF President) Dr. Sylvia Roozen (IF Secretary General) |
3.10 – 3.20PM | Perspective from a mother of a child with SBH Sylvia Thawani (PASHL, Malawi) |
3.20 – 3.30PM | Perspective from a lifelong folic acid ambassador Dr. Godfrey Oakley (Emory University, USA) |
3.30 – 3.40PM | Perspective from a woman with SBH who is also a mother Victoria Sandoval (AGEB, Guatemala) |
3.40 – 3.45PM | Short Intermezzo |
3.45 – 3.55PM | Perspective from Smarter Futures – a Public-Private-Civic Partnership Scott Montgomery (FFI, Smarter Futures, African region) |
3.55 – 4.05PM | Perspective from long-time advocacy and turning points towards mandatory food fortification Kate Steele (SHINE, UK) |
4.05 – 4.15PM | Perspective from GAPSBi-F – an international consortium of neurosurgeons Dr. Jeffrey Blount (GAPSBi-F, USA) |
4.15 – 4.25PM | Perspective from the Birth Defects Prevention Task Force and actions to change policy Dr. Santosh Karmarkar (SBF, India) |
4.25 – 4.30PM | Closing |
What can I do?
Join IF during the WFAAW 2022 to raise awareness on the important topic of SBH prevention. By sharing the IF WFAAW22 toolkit across your social media channels and network. By joining the ”World Folic Acid Awareness and Turning Points” webinar! Prevention is a combined effort.

“Each one of us can make a difference. Together we can make change!”