Applications now open for IF’s 4th “My Rights” Youth Training

18 June 2019 // From 17-20 August 2019 IF will organise its 4th “My Rights” training for youth with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus (SB/H), this time in Estonia. The aim of this training is to support young persons with a disability, in their journey towards self-confidence and independence! The training keywords are citizenship, leadership and full participation.
Are you a young person (aged 18-35) living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus (SB/H) in Europe? Are you a member of a SB/H group or would like become one? Then you are welcome to apply for this free training!
During the training you will learn about the rights-based approach to independent living for youth with disabilities, ways to defend your rights in daily situations and cultivate your ability to make your voice heard.
Arrival is foreseen for 16 August, and departure on 21 August. Participation in the training for selected participants with SB/H is free of charge. Your travel, accommodation (5 nights) and meals during the training will be paid for.
If you are interested in joining us in Estonia, then please fill out the application form by 15 July 2019. Please note that applying does not mean being accepted. You will be informed of the outcome of your application on 17 July 2019.
Should you have any questions or experience problems in the process, please contact [email protected]