IF participation at the EDPD event in Brussels

IF took part in the European Days of Persons with Disability 2019 (EDPD) with a delegation of staff, board and youth representatives, coming from different European member organisations. Athina Giannoutsou (IF European Policy Officer), Carmen Clemente (IF Communication Coordinator), Ciara Hughes from Ireland, Rasmus Isaksson (IF Board member) and Linnea Bertlin from Sweden, Valmar Ammer from Estonia, Helena Corens and Steve Bangazicaha from Belgium and Navkiran Sirha from UK were in attendance to represent IF.
This year the main topics were the preliminary findings of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS), what is expected in the upcoming years and how to achieve sports for all.
During the 2-day event, we had the opportunity to speak with Catalina Devandas-Aguilar, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to whom we are very grateful for all the support and collaboration during these past years. Also, IF had the chance to meet with newly elected MEP David Lega and Paralympic athlete, who is a member of the European Parliament Disability Intergroup, Children’s Rights Intergroup and the sub-committee on Human Rights.
IF is especially proud of its young representatives, who actively participated during the panels and discussions by asking questions and expressing their opinions and concerns. We can count on a strong community of young people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus that speak up about their rights and needs!
Of course, we were very happy to see our great colleagues from different organisations such as the European Network of Independent Living, European Disability Forum, Inclusion Europe, Autism Europe and many more!Â
We encourage you to read more about this event in our report about the EDPD 2019.