
Legal capacity: Personal choice and control

20 September 2024

The International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) calls for a greater awareness and urgent action towards the needs of persons with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SBH) by ensuring the right to legal capacity.

In a recent European study by the European Disability Forum (EDF), it was highlighted that currently no country in the European region fully complies with article 12 of the UNCRPD. The lack of measures to promote and protect the legal capacity, and more broadly, the autonomy and right to choose, of persons with disabilities has serious concequences.

In the recently launched Human Rights Report by the European Disability Forum, you can read more about:

  • What legal capacity is
  • Why legal capacity is a Human Right
  • What the situation in Europe is
  • What happens when you do not have legal capacity
  • How to support people to make their own choices
  • Good examples in Europe
  • Recommendations to the European Union and all countries within the European Union

You can download the report here (click on the image below)