Joint statement on Work-Life-Balance Directive

7 December 2017 // Today, IF presents a joint statement together with other organisations to support progress on Work-Life Balance Directive (WLB). Back in April 2017, the European Commission proposed the WLB for parents and carers in the EU. This initiative will be on the agenda on December 7th at the European Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer affairs Council (EPSCO).
We are 10 civil society networks and associations that represent the interests of millions of people in the EU. We highly value the proposal from the Commission, such as paid paternity leave of ten days, paid carers’ leave, non-transferable paid parental leave, and the right to request flexible working conditions.
However, recent years have shown that many European citizens become disconnected to the European project, which we believe is a consequence of the EU not taking in mind a Social Europe. Therefore, we highly welcome the call for a European Pillar of Social Rights, where social life can be balanced within the work life.
We encourage you to read the full joint statement here and share it among your network.