IF urges effective implementation of the European Union Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

On the 3rd of March 202,1 the EU published the European Union Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Throughout 2020, IF had taken an active part in the consultation process for this publication. Advancing the rights of individuals with SBH is a guiding principle of IF, and this goal laid the foundation for the federation’s participation in the consultation process.
The purpose of the strategy is to lay out the actions which the EU intends to take in order to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). With the promise to mainstream disability rights into all EU policies including international development aid, the strategies relevance goes beyond Europe.
IF welcomes the increased scope of the strategy. Many of the recommendations, which IF had laid out in the beginning of 2020 in the IF publication titled ‘Towards a new European Disability Strategy for 2021-2030’, have been incorporated into the new strategy. However, challenges do remain both in regards to what has been left out from the strategy and in the implementation of that which has been included.
You can read more about IF’s analysis and recommendations for the new strategy in IF’s statement and in the accompanying press release.
IF’s Statement on the European Union Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities