IF International Day of Older Persons

On October 1, the world will celebrate the International Day of Older Persons.
This day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly (by resolution 45/106) on 14 December 1990.
On this day, IF takes this opportunity to raise awareness on ageing with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, the barriers older persons with SBH can face and the need for lifting these barriers.
IF aims to emphasise the importance of integrated care for persons ageing with SBH and the fact that individuals with SBH are subject to “accelerated ageing” which means the ageing process for some groups of people with disabilities begins earlier than usual, such as for individuals with SBH. Find out more in the IF International Day of Older Persons toolkit here!
To celebrate that day, the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) shares the International Day of Older Persons toolkit. It can be used to guide your social media contribution and invite you to participate to the challenge launched by IF.
Please share this toolkit with colleagues, friends and family and join IF to spread awareness about the importance of the right to health for people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus!
How to participate
IF challenges you to send us a recorded video or send a picture to express yourself about ageing with SBH and what it means to you.
- Share the toolkit and tagg #IFSBH @IFSBH
- Send us a video in a mp4 format: duration 1-2 minute in which you Introduce yourself (name, age, country); a comment to what barriers you encounter as an older person with SBH; what actions would you like to be taken to remove these barriers and a call to support and invitation to join the movement to help raising awareness
- A picture of you with the IF frames specially designed for this occasion. IF designed frames with quotes and key messages or you can use an “empty” frame to share YOUR key messages
Download the toolkit in English here.
Download the toolkit in Spanish here.
IF is looking forward to seeing your materials and sharing it during the International Day of Older Persons on the 1st of October. Please, send your materials to [email protected]
Thank you for your participation!
IF Team