CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – IF Multidisciplinary Care Conference

IF invites you to attend and present your work during the upcoming Multidisciplinary Care Conference. This conference was originally scheduled for the previous year. However, due to COVID-19, IF has to do it differently and invites you for the first ONLINE (and free) conference.
When? Tuesday September 14th to Friday September 17th, 2021
Where? Online Webinar
Important dates:
- June 4 2021: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
- July 12 2021: Conference program & opening for registrations
Conference Description
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SBH) are among the most complex congenital disabilities compatible with life. Together, they often result in a combination of impaired mobility, loss of sensation, continence issues, cognitive challenges and learning disabilities. In order to address multiple health and rehabilitation issues that people with SBH face throughout life, a sophisticated system of care – multidisciplinary care – able to provide them with seamless services and support the highest attainable standard of health across the lifespan is necessary.
Although there exist different models of multidisciplinary care teams bringing together medical, paramedical and social care professionals, there isn’t yet a clear standard on what adequate multidisciplinary care for SBH should encompass in different contexts (high/low income countries, large/small countries, socioeconomic and demographic factors, etc). Moreover, in Europe, a large divide between Northern/Western European countries and Central/Eastern countries in access to multidisciplinary care is remarkable.
In order to support IF members’ efforts to bring the most appropriate care and support to persons with SBH in their countries, IF has conducted a study on the best practices of multidisciplinary care in Europe. The study results have formed the basis for a report on the Principles for multidisciplinary for people living with SBH in Europe.
Conference Aim
Not only the Conference on Integrated Care is organised in order to share interests and updates from the national researchers of the countries participating in the recently published IF Multidisciplinary Care report (see here), but it will also cover different sessions on different topics relevant to IF Members such as urology, ageing, sexual health, and mental health.
Conference Participation
The conference is aimed at IF Members, partners, healthcare professionals, policy makers, early career researchers, and anyone who wants to learn more on the topic of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and multidisciplinary care. and IF Invites YOU to present during the conference and welcomes your abstract.
Interested to present during this conference? Submit your abstract before June 4 2021 to the IF Team at [email protected]. The abstract guidelines can be found here.
Abstracts submitted before the deadline will be reviewed by the IF conference panel. All participants will receive an email with further instructions upon acceptance of the abstract.
IF looks forward to your active participation and fruitful sessions on the important topic of multidisciplinary care for Spina Bifida and or Hydrocephalus. Please share this invitation and call for abstracts with your broader network of members, healthcare professionals, and other interested participants.
Should you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]