Webinar on nutrition, birth defects, food fortification and advocacy

23 November 2018 // IF is one of the global partners of the Folate Task Team, a group assembled by Nutrition International in order to advance an action plan for neural tube defects (NTDs) prevention. The Folate Task Team is organizing and coordinating activities with the goal to reduce folate-responsive NTDs.
On December 4th, the Folate Task Team will host an interactive webinar with renowned global experts in nutrition, birth defects, food fortification, and advocacy. The title of the webinar is “Improving child survival at the intersection of nutrition and birth defects” and it aims to raise awareness about how improved nutrition can reduce the risk of neural tube defects.
Speakers will be: Scott Montgomery (Director of the Food Fortification Initiative);
Amy Cordero, MPA Â (Deputy Team Lead, Prevention Research, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention);
Lynn Bailey, PhD (Professor and Head of the Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia);
Homero Martinez, MD, PhD (Senior Technical Advisor, Nutrition International)
Tom Scott (IF Board member; CEO, Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland)
Ruth Nalugya (Chair, Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Uganda)
Elena Záppoli (IF Board member; President, AsociaciĂłn para Espina BĂfida e Hidrocefalia Argentina)
If interested in attending the webinar, you can register here.
If you can’t attend on that date, you can watch the recording of the webinar here after the event.