Successful 1st Euregional Youth Meeting organized by IF & Zonnebloem JONG

Successful 1st Euregional Youth Meeting organized with Zonnebloem JONG
Human rights and equal opportunities for people with disabilities are not self-evident. Attention to this subject is of great importance. The United Nations underlined this by calling for worldwide attention for the subject on December 3. Reason for the youth group of the Zonnebloem Westerlijke Mijnstreek of the Netherlands and the youth group of the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Brussels Belgium together with the IF youth members from the Vlaamse Vereniging voor Spina Bifida en Hydrocephalus vzw (VSH) Belgium, Association Nationale Spina Bifida et Handicaps Associés (ASBH) France, and Fundacja “Spina” Poland, to join forces and organize this first Euregional meeting by and for young people with a physical disability on December 3 2024.
The meeting took place in the Biesenhof in Geleen, the Netherlands. Young people from Belgium, Germany, France, Poland and the Netherlands took part. It was a very successful event; particularly because of its Euregional character and organizational design, ‘by and for young people with a physical disability’. The deepening and exchange of experiences on the self-chosen topics such as self-reliance, psychological well-being and resilience were experienced as enriching. ‘A meeting worth repeating’ is one of the important conclusions of this inspiring day. Meeting new young people in similar situations with systematic attention in the program for exchanging personal experiences was experienced as refreshing.
This Euregional youth meeting made possible by the European Commission, Rotary District Grant awarded to the Rotary Club Elsloo-Maaskant together with the other 4 Rotary Clubs in the Westelijke Mijnstreek, Biesenhof, and Zonnenbloem.