Smarter Futures: food fortification to address malnutrition

4 January 2018 // In its December’s edition the Milling and Grain Magazine published an article on Smarter Futures, written by IF Programme Manager Global Prevention on behalf of IF, highlighting the importance of food fortification to eradicate malnutrition around the world.
Smarter Futures is a public-private-civic partnership founded by the Food Fortification Initiative (FFI), AkzoNobel, Helen Keller International and IF, that supports similar partnerships to make fortification of wheat flour a reality in Africa. The key beneficiaries of Smarter Futures are women of childbearing age, adolescents (especially girls) and young children. Fortification of wheat flour ensures that women get essential vitamins such as Folic Acid before they get pregnant to prevent health concerns like Neural Tube Defects.
To know more about Smarter Futures partnership and its projects to improve people’s health, you can read the whole article here.