IF Webinar Learning from Experience: Strategic Advocacy for Primary Prevention

Actions on the international level taken by international organisations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union (EU) have significant influence on the direction of policies, such as disability rights, public health, nutrition and social policies, which are of high importance to the SBH community. However, the push for change on the European and international level must come from the grassroots at the local and national level. Without the support of the global SBH community, the rights and needs of the SBH community cannot be advanced.
Acknowledging this, IF always put capacity building activities for members to advance their policy and advocacy activities as the priority. Starting with the thematic training for all IF members on May 6 2022 focusing on policy and advocacy from the national level to international level, IF facilitated another capacity building event through experience exchange and sharing webinar per members request. During this webinar, four IF members around the world who have advanced their national advocacy for primary prevention gathered together to share their experiences on how their local advocacy for primary prevention has influenced national actions. Along with that were key elements of their success, challenges, lessons learned and advice for participants.
The webinar titled ‘IF webinar Learning from Experience: Strategic Advocacy for Primary Prevention’:
- provided examples by four advocacy champions on how their national level advocacy can influence actions on the international level,
- discussed key issues and challenges of advocacy work in different regions
- reflected on lessons learned and strategies to overcome barriers to initiate advocacy work and how to reach out to policy makers at European and international levels.
On July 15, 2022, IF held an experience exchange and sharing webinar named ‘IF webinar Learning from Experience: Strategic Advocacy for Primary Prevention’. The webinar was an experience exchange and twinning opportunity for all IF members, in which representatives from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin-America and Europe who have advanced their national advocacy for primary prevention shared their key element of success, the process, lessons learned and advice for all participants.
The IF Webinar Learning from Experience: Strategic Advocacy for Primary Prevention was in particular successful as it provided members with opportunities to learn from peers, to take away strategies and lessons for effective advocacy work and to be inspired to take further steps in national, European and international advocacy activities. From this webinar, it is highlighted that capacity building activities in the form of experience exchange and sharing should be repeated since participants could feel more relatable and motivated to learn from success stories and best practices from other IF members. Moreover, this twinning opportunity can also strengthen the network of the SBH community. IF will therefore continue to facilitate such opportunities.
To read about the IF Members Training on May 6 2022, please click here.
To read about the IF advocacy campaign for primary prevention please click here.
Do you want to be involved in the IF Advocacy Committee? Contact us at [email protected]