CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – 29th International Conference on Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus “Diverse Needs, Same Rights”

IF invites you to attend and present your work during the upcoming 29th International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. Not only the Conference is organised in order to share interests and updates from the national researchers around the world, but it will also cover different sessions on different topics relevant to IF Members such as urology, ageing, sexual health, and mental health.
When? Monday September 5th to Friday September 9th, 2022
Where? Online Webinar
Important dates:
- April 25 2022: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
In preparation for the International Conference on Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, we are pleased to invite abstracts for regular oral and Give Me Five Minute presentations. We also welcome IF Members to submit abstracts to provide country updates. Please note, all sessions will be recorded and made available for conference attendees. It is assumed that presenters and authors give consent and authorize the recording of their presentation.
Call for abstracts is open now, see also the guidelines here.
Deadline for sending your abstracts is April 25th.
How are abstracts assessed for inclusion in the scientific program?
- The abstract content should be explicitly linked to Spina Bifida and or Hydrocephalus;
- The abstract content must be received on time and presented in the appropriate format, e.g., it must not exceed the word limit (details below);
- In case research is presented, it must have followed the standards of ethics in research with human beings and/or animals that apply and have obtained the appropriate ethical approvals (if an empirical study);
- Submissions of primary and secondary empirical research must include analyses and a summary of findings. It is not sufficient to state “the data will be analysed” or “findings will be presented/discussed”, unless it is an abstract for a “work in progress” presentation;
- English language and grammar should be satisfactory, spelling should be consistent.
See here an overview for the previous International Conferences on SBH
Watch below the summary video of the Multidisciplinary Care Conference for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus that took place from September 14 to 17 2021.