IF Annual Report 2021 is now available!

The International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) is fortunate to work with its passionate and dedicated members and partners around the world focusing on improving the lives of individuals with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus (SBH) and their families. Given the needs of our SBH community, optimalisation of limited resources is very important.
The year 2021 was an active one with many activities and challenges. Some of the activities were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, IF organised its activities in a digital format. These activities such as an escape room meeting, training opportunities, international awareness days, and the IF conference for persons with SBH on multidisciplinary care were well-received. Here, in this annual report 2021, the actions achieved for human rights, primary prevention, optimising management and care, raising awareness, as well as international solidarity are highlighted.
Member meetings with presidents of IF member associations in the regions Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe were important events. Moreover, the members of the IF working groups on ageing, youth, women with SBH, and the working group on multidisciplinary care continued their activities in raising awareness on topics relevant to these groups. The members within these working groups conducted exploratory studies, published reports and policy statements, organised opportunities to meet and share experiences, offered training opportunities, and participated as speakers at international events.
For 2021 the concept of twinning was one of the main focuses of attention. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, twinning opportunities between associations and partners were realised in a creative way.
IF is extremely grateful for the continued support and active involvement of members and partners. We would like to sincerely thank all our members and partners and all the others including the chairs and standing committee members as well as our volunteers who supported our work.
IF looks forward to unlocking potentials together with YOU and also making the next year – 2022 – a success!
Cato Lie, President
Dr Sylvia Roozen, Secretary General
Click below to read the full Annual Report 2021