

Associazione Spina Bifida Italia (ASBI)


Born in 1989 and founded by some parents of children with spina bifida. 

Our mission is to promote activities in the medical and scientific forum for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and facilitating the social integration and employment of people with this type of disability. ASBI pays attention to the affirmation of the rights and dignity of people living with SBH and their families.

The main activities of ASBI are:

The development of prevention campaigns directed to the public, the medical professionals and the institutions as well as the organization of congresses, conferences and debates for the training and upgrading of operators/professionals in the sector;

Information, guidance and counselling to people with Spina Bifida and their families as well as services for educational and job placement to ensure a better quality of life to people living with the disease and their families;

The organization of summer and winter camps, employing sports activities as a means of inclusion;

The promotion of awareness and information campaigns, through the creation of national events and the participation at international ones;

The support to scientific research for the prevention and treatment of the disease.

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