
World Mental Health Day – 10th of October 2024


On October 10th, IF will celebrate the World Mental Health Day and will join the world to raise awareness on mental illnesses.

Supported by WHO, on this international day the world takes the opportunity for global mental health education, to raise awareness and to advocate against social stigma.

In the SBH community Mental Health is a taboo topic and on this day, IF wants to emphasise on the importance of mental health for people living with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and wants to highlight the fact that the lack of understanding of mental health needs of persons living with complex physical disabilities, such as SBH.

IF makes sure to include this topic as a priority as it’s often neglected and not taken into consideration.

Different IF Working Groups dwelled on the subject such as the IF Working Group on Ageing who organised a Webinar and Focus Group Discussions on “Ageing with SBH” with a special focus on “Mental & physical health and ageing characteristics” or again the IF International Youth Group on convey a survey study on Mental Health and the different aspect linked with Mental Health.

For this special occasion, IF designed the IF World Mental Health toolkit where you can find more information on how to participate in the challenges set by IF.

How to participate?

IF challenges you to send us a text, a recorded video or send a picture where you can express yourself about Mental Health and what it means to you.

  • Download the IF toolkit here (English).
  • Go green with us and tagg #IFSBH @IFSBH
  • Send us a video in a mp4 format: duration of 2min max – Tell us more about #MentalHealth, your thoughts, your wishes or to support message for the one who will see your video
  • A picture of you with the IF frames specially designed for this occasion. IF designed frames with quotes and key messages or you can use an “empty” frame to share YOUR key messages

IF is looking forward to seeing your materials and share it during the #WorldMentalHealthDay2024 #WMHD2024.

Send your materials for the 6th of October to [email protected]

Thank you for your participation!

IF Team