

Vlaamse Vereniging voor Spina Bifida en Hydrocephalus vzw (VSH)


The association was founded in 1979 as a self-help group of and for people with spina bifida and their families.Ā In 1981, the self-help group was given a legal structure in the form of a non-profit organization (ASBL). Today this is still the case with a General Assembly consisting of 11 members and a Board of Directors consisting of seven members, including two members with spina bifida.


The mission of the association is to improve the quality of life and care for people with spina bifida and reduceĀ the incidence by primary prevention.

The purpose of our association is:

  • to contribute to the social integration of each individual with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus
  • the common advocacy forĀ the interests of individual members
  • take initiatives and provide services according to the needs and requirements of its members

Other Information

The association helps parents and children with all their questions and organize specific activities with the aim of promoting self-reliance in the broadest sense of the word by the organization of:

  • Autonomy week for children from 6 to 12 years
    Frequency : Annual / for one week Target group : 6 to 12 years Objectives : learn to be as independent as possible, both physically (mobility and self-care), and psychological (how people think about his disability) and social (interaction society) Coaching Methodology : especially individual-directed through individual guidance and training
  • Youth week
    Frequency : Annual / for one week Target Group : 13 to 18 years Objective : extension of the goals of self-sufficiency week without individual counseling