
GDS2022 Side Event: Advancing Disability Rights Through Multidisciplinary Care


Health is an enabler of inclusion and on the occasion of the 2022 Global Disability Summit IF will be hosting a side event titled: Advancing disability rights through multidisciplinary care.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought in focus the importance of strengthening healthcare systems and inclusive health has been chosen as one of the 5 themes for the GDS2022. 

Access to healthcare in line with article 25 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities is a high priority topic for IF and the SBH community. In light of that IF invites its members, health and social care professionals, policy makers, persons with disabilities and all relevant stakeholders to join IF at this side event.  

With diverse speakers the event will raise awareness of disability rights in the context of health services. At this event IF will present how integrated multidisciplinary care advances disability rights by promoting a person-centred and human rights-based approach to health services. Connecting the principles of article 25 with the design and provision of health services. 

The human rights approach of this event is further entrenched by exploring the topic of health services from the perspective of persons with disabilities such as SBH as well as including speakers who will present on the issue from the perspective of policy and health services.

You can register now!

You can read and download the concept note here.

First page of the concept note of the IF GDS side event